Area Specific Mineral Mixture

Minerals are required by dairy animals for their metabolic functions, growth, milk production, reproduction and health. Animal cannot synthesise minerals inside its body and usually feeds and fodders fed to the dairy animals do not provide all the minerals in the required quantity. Therefore, animal should be supplemented with adequate amount of good quality mineral mixture in their ration.

Benefits of feeding ASMM:

  • Improves growth rate of calves, hence early puberty
  • Improves reproduction efficiency in male and female animals
  • Reduce inter-calving period leading to more productive life of animals
  • Improves efficiency of feed utilisation
  • Improves milk production and SNF content of the milk
  • Better immune response; hence better resistance against diseases
Mineral Mixture
Specifications Feeding Instruction
Moisture (%), Max. 5 Milking Cow/Buffalo
Calcium (%), Min. 20 100-200 g daily based milk yield
Phosphorus (%), Min. 12
Magnesium (%), Min 5 Heifer/Dry Animals
Zinc (%), Min 0.8 50 g daily
Copper (%), Min. 0.1
Iodine (%), Min. 0.026 Calf 25-50 g daily
Fluorine (%), Max. 0.07 ®OR as recommended by Animal Nutritionist/Veterinarian